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Navigating Java

Hatteras Software Inc

Navigating Java, by Hatteras Software, brings exciting multimedia CDeducation to the fast paced world of Java. Navigating Java combines anin-depth discussion of the major features of Java, video interviews withJava industry experts, a reference library of Java related articles, anda collection of state-of-the-art Java and Web related development tools.Through Navigating Java, students master the world of Java by travelingto different spots around the globe, learning a major new point of theJava language at each stop. Students apply their newly acquired knowledgeto answer self-test questions, solve Java puzzles, and complete exampleJava applets using up-to-date Java and Web development environments.Video interviews with Java experts and a library of related article arealways just a button click away, making sure our Java world explorersalways know where they are headed.

Language: Java
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems:

Hatteras Software Inc
2000 Regency Parkway Suite 230
Cary, NC 27511
Phone: (919) 319-3816
Fax: (919) 319-3877